Dedicated Leaders with Local-Church Experience
Proven. Passionate. Purposeful.
Because Veritas is an online college, we are able to bring trusted faculty together from all parts of God’s Kingdom. Bringing Proven Leaders to You isn’t just a slogan – it’s a realized, fundamental component of who we are doctrinally, philosophically, and practically.

Brian Wagner, PhD
- Chair of DMin program
- 45+ Years Ministry Experience
- Published multiple articles at, Chafer Theological Journal, Journal of Dispensational Theology, and Aletheias
- Ph.D. – Piedmont Baptist Graduate School, 2012

Cameron Cloud, PhD
- Pastor, Central Baptist Church, Dunn NC
- 25+ Years Ministry Experience
- Ph.D. – Piedmont International University, 2013

Don Forrester, DRE | EdD
- Founding Pastor, Faith Baptist Church, Fredericksburg, VA
- Co-Founder and Chancellor of Veritas Baptist College
- 45+ Years Ministry Experience
- DRE – Temple Baptist Seminary, 1975
- EdD – Temple Baptist Seminary, 1994

J. Michael Lester, DMin
- President, Veritas Baptist College
- 30+ Years Ministry Experience
- DMin – Luther Rice Seminary, 2017
- Published books include Rightly Divided, Victory, and Dispensationalism

Peter Youmans
- Pastor, Davidson Baptist Church, Hazard KY
- 35+ Years Ministry Experience
- DMin – Luther Rice Seminary, 2001
- PhD – Piedmont Baptist Graduate School, 2011
- Published in Journal of Dispensational Theology and Leadership Journal

Kurt Skelly, DMin – Guest Lecturer
- Pastor, Faith Baptist Church, Fredericksburg VA
- 30+ Years Ministry Experience
- DMin – Liberty University, 2023
- Board Chair, Veritas Baptist College