Our 12-credit graduate certificates are designed especially for students in ministry who may not have the time in their schedules to complete an entire degree program.
Certificates are available in the following specializations:
Pastoral Leadership
The aim of this certificate is to equip leaders with skills needed for effective ministry.
- CM 502 Biblical Leadership
- CM 510 Ministry to the Family
- PT 507 Advanced Sermon Development
- PT 510 Organization and Administration of Church Ministries
Biblical Leadership
This certificate prepares students to become leaders at all levels of leadership within a ministry.
- CM 502 Biblical Leadership
- CM 506 Christian Ethics
- CM 518 Spiritual Formation
- GE 502 Interpersonal Communication
Biblical Counseling
This certificate is open to anyone who desires to achieve a basic level of proficiency in Biblical Counseling.
- CM 502 Biblical Leadership in the 21st Century
CM 505 Principles Biblical Counseling (3)
CM 513 Counseling Problems & Procedures (3)
CM 516 Premarital/Marital/Fam Counseling (3)
A study in systematic theology, this certificate will equip the student with the tools necessary to apply God’s Word to all areas of life.
- TH 500 Theology I
- TH 511 Theology II
- TH 521 Theology III
- TH 531 Theology IV
This certificate will equip students with the basic skills and knowledge necessary for effective cross-cultural ministries.
- MI 500 Theological Issues in Missions
- MI 510 Cross-Cultural Communications and Anthropology
- MI 520 Cross-Cultural Church Planting
- CM 502 Biblical Leadership
Educational Leadership
Focusing on the Christian school setting, this certificate emphasizes knowledge and skills required of K-12 supervisors, principals, and administrators.
- ED 500 History and Philosophy of Christian Education
- ED 501 Curriculum Development
- ED 505 Assessment in Education
- ED 520 Christian School Administration
Special Education
This certificate focuses on preparing teachers to work with students who have special needs in the education process.
Students will take SPED 510 (Introduction to Special Education) and choose three more SPED courses from the list below:
- SPED 610 Teaching Methods for Learning Disabilities
- SPED 612 Behavior Management and Social Skills Training
- SPED 615 Teaching Methods for Intellectual Disabilities
- SPED 620 Assessment and Intervention
(The SPED Internship is not part of the certificate.)
Credits earned toward a graduate certificate may be applied toward a Veritas Baptist College master’s degree.
Most graduate classes are offered in eight-week modules. All courses are three credits, and all are online.
Enroll Today!
Begin training for ministry online by enrolling in one of our undergraduate or graduate programs.