Master of
Ministry (MMin)
A 30-credit hour program designed for those who desire advanced training on a graduate level in order to enhance their Bible knowledge. The Master of Ministry degree is divided among three categories: the Master of Ministry core courses (12 credit hours), the required courses for the specialization the student chooses (9 credit hours), and electives (9 credit hours)
Years Average

Recognized Best Online Master’s in Ministry Degree Programs of 2025
Core Courses
- Biblical Leadership in the 21st Century (3)
- Discipleship, Mentoring, and Equipping (3)
- Research and Writing (3)
- Systematic Theology* (3)
*Not required for theology concentration
- Principles of Biblical Counseling (3)
- Advanced Sermon Development (3)
- Advanced Hermeneutics (3)
Church Ministries
- Ministry to the Family (3)
- Principles of Biblical Counseling (3)
- Organization and Administration of Church Ministries (3)
Biblical Counseling
- Principles of Biblical Counseling (3)
- Counseling Problems and Procedures (3)
- Premarital, Marital, and Family Counseling (3)
Missions and Cross-Cultural Studies
- Theological Issues in Missions (3)
- Cross-Cultural Communications and Anthropology (3)
- Cross-Cultural Church Planting (3)
Bible and Theology
- Theology I (3)
- Theology II (3)
- Theology III (3)
- *Theology IV (3)
*Replaces Systematic Theology in the core courses
Electives consist of all graduate-level, non-required courses.