Veritas Baptist College has been approved to participate in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements. NC-SARA is a voluntary, regional approach to state oversight of postsecondary distance education.
Due Process and Student Complaint Procedures
Students with an academic grievance which is unable to be resolved through the instructor should fill out the Academic Appeals form provided on the college website: The student should complete the appeal form within seven days after they receive a response from the instructor and should include all details and documentation of the grievance. Appeals need to be presented in a professional manner.
Any student placed on academic probation, or who has been notified of pending academic suspension, may appeal to the Academic Appeals Committee within seven days of the notice. Students placed on academic suspension must apply for readmission through the Academic Appeals Committee by submitting a letter requesting readmission, providing evidence that the student will be able to complete college-level work successfully.
Decisions are made within one week of appeals. If a student is not satisfied with the committee’s decision, he may appeal to the Administrative Cabinet, then to the President, then to the Board of Directors.
If the student still has a complaint after following the college’s appeal procedures, he may contact the college’s accrediting agency: Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools (TRACS) [15935 Forest Rd., Forest, VA 24551; Telephone: 434.525.9539; e-mail:].
If the student still has a complaint after contacting TRACS, he may file a complaint through the State of Indiana at
To appeal an Ineligible status, the student must, within 15 calendar days of notification of the status, submit a signed and dated letter of appeal to the Financial Aid Director. The appeal must include the reason the student failed to meet the SAP standards and an explanation of what has changed that will allow the student to meet the standards by the next evaluation. Reasons for an appeal may include, but are not limited to, the following: health, family, catastrophe, etc. Documentation verifying the situation may be requested. After all requested information is received, the Appeals Committee will make a determination on the appeal. The student will then be notified of the approval or disapproval of the appeal and of his financial aid status for the next payment period. This notification will be sent by the Director of Financial Aid within a reasonable time frame.
The Student Conduct Committee provides a student appeal process for the College. A student with a disciplinary grievance may request a meeting with the Student Conduct Committee by contacting the Director of Student Affairs within one week of the offense. The student will have the opportunity to present his grievance(s) to the committee and will be notified in a timely fashion as to the committee’s decision. If the student is not satisfied with the committee’s decision, he may appeal to the Administrative Cabinet, then to the President, then to the Board of Directors.
If the student still has a complaint after following the college’s appeal procedures, he may contact the college’s accrediting agency: Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools (TRACS) [15935 Forest Rd., Forest, VA 24551; Telephone: 434.525.9539; e-mail:].
If the student still has a complaint after contacting TRACS, he may file a complaint through the State of Indiana at