Student Information

Access the Library

Our online library is accessible through Populi. Click here to log in and browse the library catalog.

Access Canvas

Canvas is our learning management platform. It’s the hub where coursework is viewed and completed.

Course Schedules

Browse the currently scheduled courses available through our learning management system.

Student Housing

Since Veritas Baptist College is an online institution, students have freedom to choose housing in their area.


Textbook information is located on Canvas. Students have the freedom to decide where they purchase their textbooks and other resources.

Academic Advisors

Once a student has declared a major or minor, a qualified academic advisor will be assigned to guide the student in order to ensure the successful fulfillment of the degree program.


Student Handbook

PDF, 434 KB

Students are required to sign agreement to the current Student Handbook.
Please read and respond to the College Office with agreement.


See all available forms

Handy Links


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Dual Enrollment

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