An Associate of Ministry may be earned by completing the specified courses of the first two years of the Bachelor’s program with a minimum of 60 hours.
The Associate of Ministry degree consists of six different specializations: Bible, Biblical Counseling, Church Ministries, Church Business, Youth Ministry, and Pastoral Studies.
The Bible specialization provides the student with the knowledge and study tools needed to understand, interpret, and apply Bible truth effectively. The required courses provide a basic foundation of biblical knowledge, philosophy, and values which will serve as guiding principles for life and ministry. Semester hours required in each category are as follows:
Bible and Theology Core – 18 credits
- Old Testament Survey (3)
- New Testament Survey (3)
- Life and Teachings of Christ I (3)
- Life and Teachings of Christ II (3)
- Bible Doctrines I (3)
- Bible Doctrines II (3)
Specialization Core – 12 credits
- Introduction to Worldview (3)
- Principles of Bible Study (2)
- Personal Evangelism (2)
- Christian Leadership (2)
- Admin. and Instr. Stategies (2)
- Field Practicum (1)
General Education – 15 credits
- Composition I (3)
- Composition II (3)
- Western Civ. I (3)
- Fundamentals of Speech (3)
- Math or Science (3)
Electives – 15 credits
Total – 60 credits
Church Ministries
The Church Ministries specialization is designed to prepare the student to serve as an assistant to a pastor in a role that includes overseeing the Sunday school, children’s ministries, and other educational functions of the church. Semester hours required in each category are as follows:
Bible and Theology Core– 18 credits
- Old Testament Survey (3)
- New Testament Survey (3)
- Life and Teachings of Christ I (3)
- Life and Teachings of Christ II (3)
- Bible Doctrines I (3)
- Bible Doctrines II (3)
Specialization Core – 16 credits
- Introduction to Worldview (3)
- Personal Evangelism (2)
- Field Practicum (1)
- Christian Leadership (2)
- Admin. and Instr. Strategies (2)
- Child Evangelism (2)
- Philosophy of Church Music (2)
- Survey of Church Ministries (2)
General Education – 15 credits
- Composition I (3)
- Composition II (3)
- Western Civ. I (3)
- Fundamentals of Speech (3)
- Math or Science (3)
Elective – 11 credits
Total – 60 credits
Church Business
The Associate of Church Business was developed for those who desire to serve the Lord in the office area, particularly in a Christian ministry. The objectives of this program are two-fold: 1) to provide students with a practical working knowledge of the Bible that will enable them to establish strong personal convictions and standards; and 2) to provide students with the necessary skills to become efficient, skilled office workers, placing an emphasis on important character traits such as dependability, honesty, and integrity. Semester hours required in each category are as follows:
Bible and Theology Core – 18 credits
- Old Testament Survey (3)
- New Testament Survey (3)
- Life and Teachings of Christ I (3)
- Life and Teachings of Christ II (3)
- Bible Doctrines I (3)
- Bible Doctrines II (3)
Specialization Core – 19 credits
- Principles of Accounting I (3)
- Principles of Accounting II (3)
- Organizational Communications (3)
- Principles of Marketing (3)
- Principles of Management (3)
- Interpersonal Communications (3)
- Field Practicum (1)
General Education – 18 credits
- Composition I (3)
- Composition II (3)
- Western Civ. I (3)
- Fundamentals of Speech (3)
- Math or Science (3)
Electives – 8 credits
Total – 60 credits
Youth Ministry
The Youth Ministries specialization prepares students for ministering to young people and their
families through a variety of programs in the context of the local church. Special emphasis is
given to understanding and effectively working with those who are in their teen years.
Bible and Theology Core – 18 credits
- Old Testament Survey (3)
- New Testament Survey (3)
- Life and Teachings of Christ I (3)
- Life and Teachings of Christ II (3)
- Bible Doctrines I (3)
- Bible Doctrines II (3)
Specialization Core – 18 credits
- Introduction to Worldview (3)
- Personal Evangelism (2)
- Christian Leadership (2)
- Philosophy of Church Music (2)
- Youth Ministry Philosophy and Leadership (2)
- History and Theological Found. of Youth Ministry (2)
- Youth Ministry Programs and Methods (2)
- Teaching Youth (2)
- Field Practicum (1)
General Education – 15 credits
- Composition I (3)
- Composition II (3)
- Western Civ. I (3)
- Fundamentals of Speech (3)
- Math or Science (3)
Electives – 9 credits
Total – 60 credits
Pastoral Studies
The Pastoral Studies specialization is designed to prepare men for pastoral leadership. Emphasis is given to biblical studies and other skills that will be valuable to the man whom God has called to oversee the life and growth of a local church. Semester hours required in each category are as follows:
Bible and Theology Core – 18 credits
- Old Testament Survey (3)
- New Testament Survey (3)
- Life and Teachings of Christ I (3)
- Life and Teachings of Christ II (3)
- Bible Doctrines I (3)
- Bible Doctrines II (3)
Specialization Core – 19 credits
- Introduction to Worldview (3)
- Found. of Biblical Counseling (3)
- Genesis (2)
- Principles of Bible Study (2)
- Field Practicum (1)
- Personal Evangelism (2)
- Christian Leadership (2)
- Admin. and Instr. Strategies (2)
- Philosophy of Church Music (2)
- Sermon Preparation (3)
General Education – 18 credits
- Composition I (3)
- Composition II (3)
- Western Civ. I (3)
- Fundamentals of Speech (3)
- Math or Science (3)
Electives – 5 credits
Total – 60 credits
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