Online Ministry Education
Stay where God has called you and train online.

Featured Programs
Doctor of Education (EdD)
Are you ready to take your educational career to the next level? Veritas is excited to offer our new 48-credit Doctor of Education program designed to empower educators to leave a greater impact within the field of education.
Doctor of Ministry (DMin)
Pursue our 30-credit postgraduate degree designed to help ministry leaders like you grow in their hermeneutical skills, counseling abilities, mentoring opportunities, and clear articulation of the essentials of the Christian faith.
Academic Programs by Department
Deepen your knowledge of God’s Word online and become more effective in ministry right where God wants you.
Christian Education
Increase your training in Christian education while you serve where God has called you.
Earn a professional graduate degree to further your ministry training.
Explore Academics
Learn more about how you can benefit from the academic excellence at Veritas Baptist College, including exciting academic programs to equip you in reaching your goals, the academic advising program which can guide you towards success, dual enrollment options for getting a head start, and our accreditation.
How It Works
Our proven leaders have mentored countless pastors and ministry leaders who now faithfully serve the Lord around the globe. Our online Bible college instructors are qualified and respected mentors who have a heart for Christ, His church, and His servants.
Are you frustrated by not having the resources you need to grow in ministry?
Watch this short video to see what makes the Veritas difference!

Explore the cost advantage of online education
Learn about available scholarships and grants
Reach out to our advising team to develop your strategy for financial success
Recent Articles
Grief – in times of Joy
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What is Truth?
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