What would you do after witnessing a magnificent host of angels praising Almighty God?  What would you do after hearing that the Saviour was born that night? What would you do after meeting the King of kings in a lowly stable?

I can only image what the shepherds must have felt the night of Christ’s birth. After hearing where the Son of David was to be born, they ran through the night to Bethlehem. Breathing heavy, they came to the manger where Christ lay. The joy in slowly reaching out their hand to touch the holy Child, the warmth of feeling His small hand softly grasp their finger, the humility acknowledged when they saw and smelled the dingy barn where Christ was born must have been an experience like no other. So, what did these men do after witnessing such a scene?

They did something that each and every one of us should do after meeting Jesus Christ. 

None of us have the same story as the shepherds. No of us could say that we have met Jesus the same way they did, but, as Christians, we can all relate to a time when we “met the Saviour.” Perhaps a Sunday School teacher led you to the Lord, or a loving parent. Maybe even a faithful friend pointed you to Christ.

What now? We can easily be so caught up in the work of the ministry that we are actually not doing the work of the ministry. Meaning, we miss what is absolutely imperative for us to do. The most important action for Christians to be a part of is directing people to Jesus Christ. 

The Bible says that after the shepherds saw Jesus, “They made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child,” (Luke 2:18). On their journey back, they told everyone that the Messiah was born that night. In our vernacular, they went soul winning. What a great response to meeting the Saviour of the world. 

This Christmas season, I hope and pray that we all will remember to be like the shepherds. I know that I personally fall short many times in this area of soul winning, and I may be speaking more to myself than you. How can I not strive to learn to be better at seeing the world through an eternal lens? How can I live my life knowing this weakness and doing nothing about it?

People will literally live forever or die forever depending on what I do with this vapor that – well, God has given me. This time of year, many opportunities present themselves to share the Gospel. Baking cookies for your neighbors, inviting unsaved friends to a Christmas program or cantata, asking your friends if they know what the real reason for the season is are all avenues to share the Gospel. I know that I want to be a better witness for the Christ who gave everything for me. 

I recently heard a message by Pastor Jerry Scheidbach. Towards the end of it he said this, “Do you love Jesus, or do you love Jesus loving you.” My friends, let’s not waste one opportunity to expand the Kingdom of God and help someone pass from death to life. 

“I am debtor . . .” (Romans 1:14). Never Let Up!!!

Post written by Symphony Harold